Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thank You!

Just a quick note to thank all of you who have read the blog over the course of the post year. As always, it's been interesting and fun to write and the feedback I've got has been fascinating. And again as always, I can never predict which subjects will touch a chord (no pun intended), with the most readers. This year it was the piece about whether the profession of musician would disappear in time - that got the most response, as did the one about jazz musicians' relationship with their audience.  But there's been a healthy readership for everything, something I find to be both surprising and gratifying.

I notice that since I started the blog in 2009, I have progressively written less posts in each year - this is not intentional on my part, I guess I've just got busier. I also notice about the blog that all the pieces are quite long, which is intentional on my part. I do feel that some things can only be properly examined and argued if you take your time with the details - no matter how anti the current Twitter-esque communication style that may be. But maybe I should write some shorter pieces too - let's see….

I enjoyed interviewing Eric Ineke this year, it's always instructive to talk to great musicians about their lives and work, and I'll be doing more of that in the coming year. I also have some interesting projects of my own coming up - making a new recording, a new educational venture, some different musical projects - which will no doubt find their way into these pages, and no doubt various other musical things will tweak my interest enough for me to out electronic pen to equally electronic paper.

So thank you all so much for reading, a special thanks to those who took the time to write, and I want to wish you all a happy, prosperous, healthy and creative 2014!

PS I actually did manage to write a short one after all!

1 comment:

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